









MicroConstants – Regulated Bioanalysis, Drug Metabolism and Regulated Pharmacokinetic Analysis | San Diego, CA | Archive Intern
Fall Break Senior Year, September, 2015

Academic Leadership | Academies Selectee and Attendee
–  U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY | Summer Leaders Experience Attendee
June 6-12, 2015
–  U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD | Summer Seminar Attendee
June 13-18, 2015

City of Chula Vista Youth Action Council | Chula Vista, CA | Vice-Chair
2015-2016 Senior Year
2014-2015 Junior Year
2013-2014 Sophomore Year
Mission: Implement city-wide programs in conjunction with City of Chula Vista City Council that will benefit the community short and long term

Eastlake High School Golf Club | Chula Vista, CA | President and Founder
2015-2016 Senior year
2014-2015 Junior year
Mission: Help grow the game of golf by reaching out to community via school-sponsored and non-school sponsored activities

Eastlake HIgh School Key Club |Chula Vista, CA |Member
2014-2015 Junior year
Mission: Leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness

The First Tee – Pro Kids | San Diego, CA | Youth Volunteer and Mentor
Member since 2007
Mission: Administer youth golf lessons; tutor K-8 school children and assist with homework – Math, Reading and Writing

Corpus Christi Catholic Parish | Chula Vista, CA | Altar Server
2007 to Present